Sunday, November 9, 2008

A healing meditation

This is a straight lift from Kathy Freston, a wellness and spiritual counselor who has been on Oprah, etc. See her site here.

I find this is an amazingly energizing and mood shifting meditation. Got off your path? (See previous blog entry) Need a boost? Need to "remember" who you truly are? Try this meditation.

She mentions God in this meditation. If that messes you up, just change it to suit your beliefs. Universe, All that Is, whatever you need it to be is fine. I use "All that Is", personally.

Close your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply and fully, as if you are being breathed by a great benevolent force. Let the energy of God move through you now and allow yourself to be a clear vessel through which this power flows.

Begin to feel this light within you grow and expand, reaching from the depths of your personal soul, out through your body so that it begins to fuse with the light of every other human being. Take a moment to fully integrate this feeling of connection.

Surrender your smaller self to the highest and holiest potential that is within. In this moment let go of the negative thoughts and judgments that grab at you and weigh you down.

In every area of your life, see where you have been functioning out of fear rather than choosing love. In every area of your life, forgive who and what has hurt you. Breathe... And now forgive yourself for the times you have missed the mark.

Feel the breath move though you - clearing, energizing, and renewing. From this internal space, begin to imagine in small circumstances and situations, little miracles manifesting. Disputes are settled with ease, you experience more random acts of kindness, and the things you worried about seemed to have disappeared entirely.

Now imagine that that very sense of lifting and healing move to bigger and more profound areas of your life. With all your senses, with all this power moving through you, bring to mind the best and most perfect scenario of a world that is healed.

Imagine a series of gentle breakthroughs: of leaders and politicians finding peaceful solutions. Of hostility that is replaced with compassion. Of an abundance of food and resources for every last being on earth. Imagine our planet being lifted out of pain and into blissful peace. Be very specific: in your minds' eye, apply the force of this collective love to every place of discord and see it heal and become light.

And as you visualize, so you will begin to perceive the world around you differently. And so the world transforms. At this very moment, you are co-creating with God the unfolding miracle of peace. May you know comfort, peace, abundance, and love. May we all know it. And so it is ......


MAAZ said...

I recommend using an Aura Camera, which is specifically designed for displaying aura and printing aura photos via a computer interface. I came across the Aura Video Station manufactured by Inneractive at for your reference.


I have done that and it is in my blog under Feb 6th post. It was very cool. I am ready to get another to see if I have changed or altered at all...